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Only if they reside in a community property state.

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Q: Are married couples responsible for each other's debt if their name is not on the contract?
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Are stepchildren responsible for stepmother bills?

No, people are responsible for their own bills unless they are married then the marital partners may be responsible for each others debts.

How do married couples pay bills?

Every household is different. Some husbands pay everything, while others split the bills with their wives.

How do you find out if your wife slept with a woman?

ANSWER:.. gosh! just ask her. It's a lot better if couples do communicate to each others, unfortunately not all married couples rich, politician, or middle class have this relationship, not communicating.

Can couples who legally separate date others if they both agree?

Basically yes: the main point is that you cannot get married unless you are divorced/annulled first.

How often should married couples fight?

It depends on the couple. The main reason for arguing is because of conflicting views. Some couples need arguing to show their sides of the argument. Others are mature or quiet enough that they can simply talk it out.

Can gay and lesbians get married?

In some countries gay and lesbian couples can get married, some countries allow civil partnerships and others do not allow any form of legalised relationship. For a better answer ask the question about a specific country or state.

Is a surviving spouse in Illinois obligated to pay medical expenses incurred by the deceased spouse prior to death?

Yes, you are under the law married couples are considered one unit, that makes you responsible for eachother. * No. Not unless the surviving spouse signed an agreement to do so. The only time spouses are responsible for each others debts is if the debts are incurred jointly or the couple resided in a community property state, Illinois is not a community property state. (Macky)

How long do relationships usually last?

Some can last only a few days (a few hours in extreme cases) while others can last a few years or even forever, as some couples get married.

How many times was brigham young married?

Brigham Young was married 55 times, although he only had a marriage relationship with 16 of them. The others he was responsible to care for temporally but he did not live with them, have children with them, or even see them often.

What are the laws regarding items given as gifts by boyfriend?

There is not currently a precedent set for gifts given as significant others , the only law that governs gifts is for businesses or married couples such as jewelry or other expensive items.

Is the apartment complex responsible if your car was shot up on their property?

It would not be responsible for the criminal acts of others unless it was somehow at fault.It would not be responsible for the criminal acts of others unless it was somehow at fault.It would not be responsible for the criminal acts of others unless it was somehow at fault.It would not be responsible for the criminal acts of others unless it was somehow at fault.

How Married Couples Can Find the Best Relationship Advice?

Marriage is the ultimate climax for any dating relationship, but the work that is involved with developing and improving a relationship does not end once people get married. Continuing to seek advice on strengthening their relationship can help the couple maintain an excellent marriage that lasts a lifetime. Here are some of the ways that married couples can find the best relationship advice and make their marriage one that everyone will envy. First, all married couples, and newly married couples especially, will want to find marriage mentors. Two people who have been married to one another for a long time are an excellent resource for younger couples because of their ability to offer marriage-specific counseling and advice. Those who have already been successfully married for several decades are best equipped to teach a younger married couple how they can navigate all the ups and downs of their relationship. No husband-and-wife pair should be afraid to seek help from a couple known to be happily married. These mentoring couples can be found in places like churches, and family and friends can also offer help in finding marriage mentors. Second, married couples can find good relationship advice from books written to help husbands and wives develop excellent marriages. Studying a book together is one of the best ways to encourage meaningful conversations, ensuring that communication does not break down over time between husband and wife. Ministers, counselors, and other similar professionals are great persons to go to for advice on which relationship books are best for each individual couple. Finally, paying close attention to divorced friends and family members can pay off with good relationship advice. Much of this advice will be negative it will help others learn what not to do if they are going to have a successful marriage. Learning from the mistakes of others can teach a married couple much about how they can best avoid divorce court. Married couples who take their relationship seriously will continually be on the lookout for quality relationship advice from those best equipped to give it. Following these steps will help couples find excellent and reliable marital advice, greatly increasing their odds of long, satisfying marriage.