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some are and some aren't. just like any other race... just like English, Asian, Australian, Indian, American and European women. everyone is beautiful in their own way... people just have their own opinions

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14y ago
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13y ago

Well yeah Cuban girls are hot and so are greek guys so yeah they make a hot couple.

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15y ago

Most of them yes.

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14y ago

Of course!(;

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Q: Are greek women attractive
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Why would you want to? Women are attractive. Nature imbued them with many attractive traits.

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Not all women find black men attractive. A lot of women are attracted to a black mans charisma and style.

What percentage of men or women do you normally find physically attractive?

For me, about 1% of women I come across on a normal basis I consider very attractive. Maybe 5% are somewhat attractive.

How do women rate atractivness?

Individually. What is attractive for one may not be attractive for another.

If you dont fine men attractive are you a lesbian?

If you don't find men attractive, but you do find women attractive, then yes, you are a lesbian. (If you don't find women attractive, either, it could be that there are no attractive men wherever you are, and you might have better luck looking somewhere else.)

Why can people be gay?

Because some men find other men attractive.. And some women find other women attractive.

What is the Greek word for women?

Women in Greek is γυναίκες