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Civil unions are legally recognized by US states that permit civil unions and also by any US state that permits same-sex marriage. They are not recognized by the US federal government. They may or may not be recognized by foreign governments.

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13y ago

No. The federal government only recognizes marriages and does not recognize civil unions or domestic partnerships. The US federal government recognizes same-sex marriages effective June 26, 2013, although for some purposes the couple must live in a state that also recognizes their marriage.

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Q: Are civil unions recognized by the US Federal Government?
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No. Civil unions are not legally recognized in Puerto Rico.

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You cannot. Civil unions are not permitted or recognized in Texas.

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No. Same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships are not legally recognized in Vanuatu.

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No. Most US States do not and the US federal government does not either.

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Civil unions are not recognized in Florida, as of 2014.

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Yes. Same-sex marriage is legal in Massachusetts and out-of-state civil unions are recognized as legal marriages.

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No. Civil unions are not legally recognized in the Cook Islands even though they are legal in New Zealand.