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Yes, and they are mostly sadistic with themselves, but can pass off actions of sadistic behavior to their victims. They self-loathe themselves, feel righteous about their actions one moment and hating themselves the next. The more they think this way the more they take out their short-comings on their victims be in man, woman or child. Usually abusive people come from the environment they grew up in. The occasional one that came from a good family can just be plain mean to the bone because they're anger at the world in general. If the abuser was verbally/physically abused it's a chain reaction and he/she is very inwardly angry and takes all their frustrations and failures out on the victim. They are sort of like alcoholics ... alcoholics like to drink with other drinkers or alcoholics. The rate of abusive behavior being cured in a person is extremely low because the abuser honestly believes they are the ones that are sane and everyone else is crazy, so they seldom seek professional help. Marcy

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Q: Are abusive men sadists
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