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Vampires are very much the person they were when they died, and as most people are gregarious to some degree it is only natural that vampires have that trait as well. Count Dracula had three vampire brides and tried to make another one out of Lucy Weston. He also keep close ties to the Sygyn community. The vampire Lestat couldn't help but make himself vampire companions. In the underworld series there is an extensive vampire community. Ever since ancient times vampire husbands have returned to their wives and even fathered children by them.

Of course there are vampire that live a solitary life. Count Orlock was quite alone but then even he was seduced to stay by Hutter's young wife's bedside till dawn arrived.

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10mo ago

Vampires can be both solitary creatures or live in groups known as covens, clans, or families. It often depends on the lore or mythology being followed. In some stories, vampires prefer to be solitary and operate individually, while in others they form communities with hierarchies and familial relationships. Ultimately, it varies across different vampire tales.

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Q: Are Vampires solitary or do they live in a 'Family' environment?
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