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Just about all parents are concerned over this issue, Chinese ones included.

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Q: Are Chinese parents usually concerned about the discipline of their children?
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Parental pressure is when parents either discipline or influence their children.

Why are parents more concerned about their children now a days?

Parents are more concerned because now in days there are more kidnappers and more drugs and alcohol.

Does homeschooling teach discipline?

Because homeschooling is between the parents and the children, discipline is enforced by the parents. It is wrong to ask whether homeschooling teaches discipline, because that depends on the parents. Some parents prefer to have regimented school days, others prefer a more relaxed style of teaching and learning.

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Scorpio's harshest method of discipline is their penetrating eye stare, since actions speak louder than words.

Is it illegal in Texas to spank a child in public?

No, parents may discipline their children as long as they do not injure them.

How can parents help their children in medical emergencies?

Children take their cue on how to behave from those around them. When parents are noticeably concerned, children's anxiety levels rise. Parents should remain as calm as possible to be fully present for their children.

What has the author Barbara R Bjorklund written?

Barbara R. Bjorklund has written: 'The Journey of Adulthood' 'Parents book of discipline' -- subject(s): Discipline of children

In which country to parents give the most severe spankings?

Many parents in Islamic countries beat their children. It is considered discipline here; not abuse.

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