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Sometimes because they either see white women as a status symbol, or as "open" meaning easy to sleep with

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14y ago
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14y ago

it really doesnt matter to white woman what race you r (or anyther race of woman i suppose), it just the looks n the heart which counts ;)

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Q: Are Asian men attracted to white women?
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Do Asian women marry black men?

I don't know what you mean by "large" but Asian men do like white women more then they like Asian women. Take me for example, Im Asian and only attracted to white females. I like Thick or skinny women, if you mean fat, im not really attracted to them but i don't think their ugly either.

Im a Asian men why are you so attracted to black women?

The thing is black women like any race.

Why White like Asian girls?

It's for the same reason anyone likes anyone; they find them attractive. Not all white men like Asian women, and some go on stereotypes they believe of Asian women being submissive, but that is not all white men or any men who believe this.

Are white men unattracted to Chinese women?

I'm guessing your an Asian woman with a crush on a white man, so I would say that if you show him your real side he will appreciate you for you. Men can be both attracted and unattracted to anybody its not usually determined by race

Why Asian girls like white guys?

It's for the same reason anyone likes anyone; they find them attractive. Not all white men like Asian women, and some go on stereotypes they believe of Asian women being submissive, but that is not all white men or any men who believe this.

Why do Asian women like white men?

because they are fresh meat!!

Why do asian women date white men?

Some do and some don't.

Are black women attracted to white men?

YES I am a white man and I think they r beautiful.

I am a Asian men but I'm ONLY sexually attracted to black women i can't help it im dating one but if your parents knew they would kill me i what should i do?

put white makeup on her

Are black women more attracted to white men than black men?

it doesn't matter. they are both what i prefer. ADD: I know plenty of black women who are more attracted to white men...I also know plenty of white men who find black women more attractive than white women. It's all a matter of personal taste. And from what I women taste really good.

Do black girls date white boys?

Yes, it is common but not as common as white men dating Asian women or black men dating white women.

Are white woman attracted to black men?

Iit depends on the woman, but in most cases, yes woman are attracted to Black men. Women are attracted to Black men if Black men are rich. In general black men are not as rich as Caucasian and Japanese men. Therefore, in general women are less attracted to Black men than to White and Japanese men. However, if a Black man appears rich general correlations will lose importance.