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extended family do include parents children and occasionally grandparents.

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Q: An extended family includes parents children and occasionally grandparents?
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What is the difference between nucear family and extended family?

A nuclear family includes parents, children, and any other relatives that live in the home, such as grandparents. The extended family are other relatives who do not live in the home, and can in some cases include close friends.

Which of the following describes an extended family?

B. Two parents, biological children, and grandparents from both sides

What are the groups of a family?

A typical family structure includes parents (mother and father), children (sons and daughters), and sometimes grandparents. Each member plays a different role within the family unit.

What are the different kinds of family?

1.Conjugal Family - It consists of a husband and a wife. 2.Nuclear Family - It includes a father,mother and children. 3.Extended Family - It consists of the father,mother,children,grandparents and relatives living together in the same house.

How would you describe the filipino family today?

The way to describe a typical Filipino family is that there is often a father, mother, and usually 3 to 4 children. Many times extended family live in the home. This includes grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

What is a group of lineages?

Your ancestry. Those you have descended from are your ancestors. My lineage includes my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., in my past, and my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. in my future.

What are the family patterns describe each?

Nuclear family: Two parents and their children living together. Extended family: Includes relatives beyond the nuclear family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Single-parent family: One parent raising one or more children. Blended family: Two parents and their children from current and previous relationships living together.

What group of lineages is called a .?

Your ancestry. Those you have descended from are your ancestors. My lineage includes my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., in my past, and my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. in my future.

What is the word that goes with the definition includes cousins grandparents great grandparents not just parents brothers and sisters?

"Extended family"?Here you go every word I can think of that is a word that includes all:Your nuclear family means your parents and siblings.Your family descends from grandparents on either side, so you are their descendants.Your ancestry means where your extended familyoriginates biologically.Your next of kin is your closest blood relative; so if you and your spouse have no children and have out lived your parents s/he will be your next of kin - for the purpose of your estate, but in the generally accepted meaning of the word your spouse is not blood, therefore not next of kin.ancestors, ancestry, biological family, blood, descendants, dynasty, extended family, family of: birth, family tree, family unit, folk, forebears, genealogical origin, heirs, heredity, kinship, lineage, progeny, posterity, relatives, relations, seed, spawn, stock, succession, successor, young -

What is the predicate in Junie visits her grandparents?

"visits her grandparents" is the predicate. It includes the verb "visits" and its object "her grandparents."

What term includes cousin grandparents great grandparents not just parents brothers and sisters?


What actors and actresses appeared in Her Grandparents - 1915?

The cast of Her Grandparents - 1915 includes: Dorothy Gish as Dorothy