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1. listen, really listen, to them. remember details.

2. ask meaningful questions that show you have been listening.

3. generosity helps. small kind actions work. bring them a Starbucks, take them to lunch, bring them a flower. it does NOT have to be expensive

4. eye contact. don't stare. remember the 8 second rule. they will feel that you are paying attention after 8 seconds

5. smile.

6. slow down. running around, on the go go go, always moving is damaging to relationships. be in the moment. pay attention to the moment. do one thing at a time. take time for them. they ARE important.

7. thank them, in earnest, for what they do for you.

8. remember the golden to others what you want them to to do to you....

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Q: Actions can you take to improve interpersonal relationships?
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