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Well when I had a job at a fast food place, we'd throw away unused buns every single night. Whenever it was my shift, I would take the buns home and then go out looking for homeless or needy people. That could be one way. Another way could just be to donate.

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Q: Action to help the needy
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Related questions

What do you call an action to help the needy?

Philanthropy .

What is an action to help the needy that begins with the letter d?

donation to charity

What is an action to help the needy?

Go and spend some time with them or donate some money, clothes, etc.

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how did the settlement movement seek to help the needy

Why is it important to help out needy people?

Because the Jewish/Christan Bible says to. Because you might be needy too someday. Because if needy people are not helped, they might take violent action to get what they need. Because when needy people are ignored, they tend to have revolutions to get what they need, as in the case of France and Russia and other nations. Because it's good and right to help others to help themselves. It makes most human beings feel good inside to help others.

What is the difference between needy and needful?

needy- a person who need help needful: required help

Caring for the needy?

yes its good to help the needy becuz later in life you might need help too

Why does Salvation Army want to help needy?

They want to help the needy because they believe that everyone should have warm clothes and a nice hot meal.

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To help the needy.

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Why do countries need aid?

In order to help needy countries.

How was caritas established?

It was established to help those effected by poverty. It was also to help the needy and homeless.