

Best Answer

There are many questions that you can ask someone such as....

  1. What's your name?
  2. What grade are you in?
  3. How old are you?
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Q: A set of questions that you can ask somebody?
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If you love somebody but have questions should you stay with them?

why not? just ask the questions.

Does answers website actually answer questions?

Yes it does. Just in case if somebody has something to ask. This is like the best website to ask questions!

Why did you set this website up?

They set it up for people to ask and answer questions.

Why do people ask inappropriate questions on this site?

People ask inappropriate questions on this site for multiple reasons! A) They have nobody else to ask. B) They are too embarrassed to ask somebody else. C) They are trying to be funny. D) They have personal problems.

If a woman thinks a man is trying to make her look silly or stupid by the questions he ask her how is she likely to react to him?

anoyed ask him whats his problem would he like somebody to ask him those questions. hes a jerk vanessa

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somebody founded webkinz why do you care though so dont ask dumb questions like that

What do you do when your friends talk to you?

Usually when somebody talks to you, you talk back. If your friends ask you a question then you answer the question and then try and keep the conversation going by maybe asking them the same question. Try to ask questions that are not yes/no questions.

What are questions that I should ask in a debate?

That depends on what kind of debate. Informal debate: ask questions that help you understand. Ask questions about things that are confusing. Formal debate: always ask where the money is coming from and how much it will cost. Ask questions that make the other team look stupid and set up your arguments for you to bring up in a later speech.

You are going to a job interview at Jacob and you would love to know some of the possible questions the might ask you. does somebody know any?

They might ask you about your past or current job. They might also ask you what are you good at.

What was this website made for?

This website was set up to help people if they have a question to ask.

How many questions do kids ask a do ask a day?

It depends on the kid. Most kids can be quite curious and ask many questions. Others just sit around waiting for somebody to entertain them - those kids don't ask many questions because they don't know how to use their brains very well. There's really no way to tell an exact number of questions.

What time is starry night festival in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

10:00pm to ask somebody out on date for it talk to them the day before...get your questions answered at or email him questions at