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Yes! Yes! Yes! Only God can fix him!

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Q: A male friend of mine is schizophrenic when you get to close emotionally he pushes you away then you go he comes back should i just give up?
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What does it mean if your male schizophrenic friend one day likes you and the next day hates you but he stares a you at the corner of his eye?

It means you should probably steere clear of him...people who love you one day and then hate u the next are emotionally and possibly mentally unstable. Also, staring at people is what serial killers do.

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If your best friend tries to make you jealous and she pushes you out of things and doesn't want to go out of town with you but still goes with other friends, then she is not a good friend. A good friend will not hurt you that way. You should talk to her about it to see why she does it.

Should your daughter date a Schizophrenic?

There's nothing wrong with dating a schizophrenic. However if she does, it's important she knows that he has it, what it means for him and most importantly what it means for her.

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you should tell her that you do not want to be her friend any more. if she still bulies you tell some one that is emportant.(like a parent or a gaurdian) hope this helped you out, testes326032699

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most probably she will do the same.....

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At this point of time the best thing to do is to move on. Try to think instead of hating him/her, try to congratuate him/her. There are other fish in the sea, and fighting over one is too emotionally damagingfor both you and your best friend.

Should social workers be emotionally involved with a client?

Yes I do

What should you tell your best friend after she is in shock about her baby daddy knocking someone else up?

You tell her because best friends don't hide things from each other. More over this will prepare her emotionally.

Are you Schizophrenic if you Hear voices before you go to sleep at night and only at that time or is it of the paranormal?

You certainly have some issues that should be examined my a doctor.

What should you do with a girl who says she cares about you but pushes you away?

There's three main options: - She likes you, but only as a friend - She doesn't like you and is trying to spare your feelings by gradually getting you away - She likes you but you're getting to close/personal with her.

How do you handle a bastard of a friend?

If the friend of your's is a bastard to you then he/she isn't a friend. A true friend, or a friend period, is not a bastard to his/her friends, period. Just confront him or her and say either you can respect me or we do not need to be friends. You do not need them but they need you more probably than you think. If you let that friend mistreat you and act abusive to you mentally, physically, or emotionally, it will only get worse for you. And even if you don't notice it it will affect you in more ways than one. Your friend should respect you, or they are not classified really as a friend. Tell them that. You don't need this person for your friend. There are way too many people out there to befriend. Good luck with the confronting your friend.

What should you do if your schizophrenic boyfriend is doing cocaine and said he won't do it again if it hurts you yet he did it again?

Try and get him help, and if he doesnt take it... walk away