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Q: A major US city is the scene of domestic violence and many people in the state are in danger?
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Can you become a teacher if you have a domestic violence charge?

The regulations vary substantially from state to state. But domestic violence is one major crime that can keep you from teaching.

If a major us city is the scene of domestic violence and many people in the state are in charge what is the solution?

you live up to your own cautions and watch your self

Why do mainly women go through domestic violence?

Because they are weak in nature. That is the major reason.

Mention any one provision of the protection of women from domestic violence?

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was the first major law to help government agencies and victim advocates work together to fight domestic violence, sexual assault, and other types of violence against women. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) provides the main federal funding to help victims of domestic violence and their dependents (such as children). Programs funded through FVPSA provide shelter and related help

If a major us city is the scene of domestic violence and many people in the state were in danger how would the constitution solve this?

If an emergency arose where violence erupted in an American city, it would most likely be handled by local police and state law enforcement. If necessary, the President can deploy National Guard troops.

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Malawi is a peaceful and safe country. Most people are Christian. So missionaries are not in any major danger.

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to protect themselfs from danger

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to protect themselfs from danger

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Poverty. Although the poverty rate in Africa has dropped in recent years, … Poor Education. More than two out of five African adults cannot read or write. Ill Health. Health outcomes are worse in Africa than anywhere else in the … Violence. Tolerance of domestic violence is twice as high as in the rest of …

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the people that was keeping them could be killed or they would get but in jail for the rest or their life. another danger is if they get caught they would get put back into slavery.

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