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You must be physically he might want to have a affair with you.

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Q: A guy told me he likes me and likes talking to me and likes my company even though he has a girlfriend what does it mean?
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How do you know if the guy likes you even though he has a girlfriend?

If he likes you, then he won't have the other girlfriend anymore.

How can you tell if your best friend likes you as a girlfriend?

by the talking and the face and how he looks by the talking and the face and how he looks

Can he like you even though he has a girlfriend?

Yes he can like who ever he wants but he really likes his girlfriend.

How do you tell if a guy you like likes you even though he has a girlfriend?

ask him

If a guy is on the phone all the time does that mean that he has a girlfriend?

No, he could be talking to anyone in the world. Maybe he just likes talking on the phone.

What goes on inside a boy's head when he has a girlfriend?

If its with someone he really likes, its about 90% OH MY GOD, SHE IS TALKING TO ME!

What does it mean when a boy is talking and when he sees you he stops talking and stares into your eyes and start copying what you do does he like you but he has a girlfriend?

He totally likes you, but he doesnt know what to do, like.. he doesnt know if you like him, he doesnt know if he should tell his girlfriend he likes someone else.. I can go on and on.. If you like him, tell him, he totally likes you.

Do a boy likes you even though he have a girlfriend?

yes of course.. most guys are pigs!

What does it mean when a guy likes you but he has a girlfriend?

It means he likes but has a girlfriend.

What does it mean when a guy puts his arm around your waist even though he already has a girlfriend?

Maybe he likes you! If you really like him you gotta act confident! Show him that you are way better then his girlfriend! It probably means that he likes you. Except him breaking up with his girlfriend soon!

What does it mean if your girlfriend says I am in like with you?

It's kind of like saying I love you, but she means she only likes you. She likes being with you and enjoys talking with you, but she is not ready for anything more physical.

Does the boy that she like likes her even though he doesn't look or talk to her much?

If she doesn't talk to him he won't know she likes him so get talking.