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Well, you can hire a private investigator to locate the culprit who tattled the information. You can do what the commercial of that airlines recommends, leave the area. Or you can just meet with the girl, blush and say "I meant to tell you myself when I got my courage up..."

just play it cool. act like you would normally, and see how things go. Try to be friends with her, and let it work its way from there.

Find out if she likes you. I'm almost positive she'll be flattered you like her, and if she doesnt feel the same way, just be her friend. Sometimes friendships grow(;

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13y ago
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13y ago

If you like a girl then you should let her know, not directly, but in ways that she will catch on. Some things you could do are help her with her books, try to make her laugh, talk to her (find excuses to do this, dont chase her in the hallways just to talk unless you have something important to ask or say).

Don't make fun of her (trust me, girls hate it and will never like you for it), and then, when you think she may like you back, you could tell her. if she is a nice person and likes you back she will tell you. But if she is a nice person and doesnt like you, dont worry, she will be flattered. She might even tell you what she does like about you, but in a friend way. If she does not like you back, its ok, and you should be able to stay friends.

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13y ago

well, since im a girl, and what i bet all girls want is for u to ask them out, or smile at us, treat us nicley. but if she knows u like her all u have to do is just ask her out!! trust me...i pormise this is it

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13y ago

Play it cool they, usually either do some thing weird to get the girl well here's what i am going to say>if your a girl like me and that girl knows you like her well ask her if she likes you in that way back or if you to shy or think that's a stupid idea then hang out with her have a sleepover and mess around a little and for boys> i suggest that you ask her out on a date or ask her if she likes you in that way or just be friends and then work your way up and remember DON'T BE IN THE FRIEND ZONE TO LONG OR You'll BE KNOWN AS THAT FRIEND don't do that.

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15y ago

Slowly try to get closer to her. I'm a girl, and one kid likes me. He has been trying to ask me out a lot, but I give him a look that says, "Slower next time."

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15y ago

Act cool.

Make a list of good things that can happen between the two of you. (dont show her)

Ask her out when you feel confidence.

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13y ago

just stick with it DUDE if u do like her just ask her out who knows she might like u too.

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13y ago

I say, it shouldn't matter if she knows or not. Just be yourself and everything will be fine

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Q: A girl knows that you like her What should you do?
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What should you do if a girl knows you like her?

Ask her out.

What should you do if a girl knows that you like her?

ask her out, or start simple and just talk to her

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If she knows you well, then you should tell her that you love her. There is no harm in telling her. It isn't like she is going to freak out and never talk to you.

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it means that she knows you like/are in love with her

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Make a move since she knows.

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well she could as long as she knows the guy!!

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if you like her and knows she likes you, tell her yes. If you don't like her tell her "No thanks, I am not interested."

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You might as well go for it before someone else does.

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start talking to her and get to know her fisrt before anything!

What do you do when the girl knows you like him?

if a girl knows you like her, chances are she will flirt back. if she doesnt flirt back...move on, she isn't interested!