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Q: .repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love is always a tremendous task?
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What is the plural of generosity?

The noun 'generosity' is a common, abstract noun; a word for the trait of being willing to give your money or time; a word for a concept. The noun 'generosity' is a count noun as a word for a generous act. The plural form is generosities. The noun 'generosity' is an uncountable noun as a word for a personal trait.

What does never too late to mend means?

means there is always room/time for correcting or repairing something

Largess in a sentence?

Pete was always contributing money to charity but his largess nearly bankrupted him. Largess is a noun meaning extravagant giving or generosity.

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Regardless of the pressure, diamond is always made from 100% carbon.

Can you repair a wall that is busting on an above ground pool?

If it was made in the first place it can always be repaired by some one. Is it woth repairing.

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Because of his tremendous showings during the baseball playoffs! He was at his best during the playoffs, which are always held in October.

Do you believe it is more important to be generous or to be loyal?

Ebenezer : Generosity is not always such a bad thing neither is loyalty. But it is better to be both if you want to be the nicest man/woman on earth I suppose...

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The moral of Androcles and the Lion is that kindness and compassion are always rewarded. It shows that helping others, even in small ways, can lead to unexpected acts of generosity and gratitude.

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Employment is a wider term that includes deployment also in its scope of workload. Deployment is a narrower term and always points to a specific duty. Example : John is employed by CNN and now deployed in Libya to cover war ravages.

How does the Hugh the miller deceive little Hans in the lesson the devoter friend?

He manipulates little Hans always taking advantage of hi innocence and generosity and never giving any thing in return

Mention any four typical accidents that can happen due to poor housekeeping?

Gaz fire, dirty floors by children usage, dirty clothes always,repairing stuff

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#1 Anywhere you move to you can find work #2 You can save big bucks repairing your own venicles #3 You will always have friends