I wouldn't, but YOU might!
Depends on whether you are being slowed down by something or not. Falling with the aid of a fully deployed parachute shouldn't hurt. You also will not die if you fell from 501 meter building - after that last meter is a different story.
fell of a building
He fell from the roof of a building while taking photos of a model.
clementine hit her foot against a splinter and fell down into the foaming brine.
You would die
Thomas Theodore died when he fell off a building when he was four years old.
The rat wouldn't die, a rat can survive if it falls off a 5 story building
Well, there are 3 yardS (not yard, god, get your grammer right!) in something that contains 3 yards and a three storey building is tall. not as tall as that building in dubai, but still tall enough that you would die if you fell from the top.
You would die.
the asrtonaught would die