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Master Xandred

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Q: Who will win jaden or master xandred?
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How do you defeat Master Xandred in the Power Rangers Clubhouse?

by fighting

What happened to jaden's sister Lauren in power rangers samari?

Following the 6 Samurai Rangers destroying Master Xandred, all of the Rangers with the exception of Mike and Emily went their separate ways. Lauren decided to return home now that her business with the Nighlok is over.

What were the names of the monsters in Power Rangers Samurai?

A few of the names of the monsters in Power Rangers Samurai were Master Xandred, Dayu, and Serrator.

Who wins yugi or jaden?

well i say that jaden won but it seemed like it was a win for

Can you win a date with Jaden Smith?

I doubt you could "win a date" with Jaden Smith. Since Jaden is a celebrity, chances are, unless you're a celebrity, you probably won't get to date him. However, I'm sure there is a boy out there who will love you just the way you are!

Who fought Jaden Smith at the end of the Karate Kid?

Jaden Smith fights Cheng at the end of the Karate Kid.

Who'd win jaden smith or christian beedles - bieber's friend - who's the best?

jaden smith i think hes the best

Who defeated the bad guys on power rangers samurai?

The Power Rangers destroyed Serrator with the power of the Samurai Shark Gigazord, the Rangers used their full power Symbol Power with their Samurai Megazord in order to destroy Master Xandred and Xandred is the one who destroyed Dayu by absorbing all of her life force so that it would protect him from drying out as well as from the Shiba family's Sealing Symbol.

How do you win a date with Jaden Smith?

Hope for a contest to come around where that is the prize.

Who would win Jaden Yuki or Yugi Moto in a duel?

yugi moto

Does jaden defeat Jesse?

i think jaden just beats Jesse!!:) jaden 100% jesses alright but i think if jaden had no heros he would still win i disagree with that statement Jaden AND Jesse are both awsome BUT in a duel like the answer above Jaden would kick butt haha its true Jesse's cool with his crystal beasts and all, but Jaden rocks the dueling world with his heros lyer who beat marcel? not jaden he coudln't do squat, if it weren't 4 Jesse and rainbow dragon jaden would be ded I don't know, I like Mai Valentine ^_-

Who will win in karate Justin bieber vs jaden smith in real life?

Justin bieber