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75-80% of recorded tornadoes occur in the U.S. This is misleading however, as many countries do not keep record of tornadoes. So it is likely that most of the tornadoes that occur elsewhere in the world are missed.

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13y ago

Tornadoes mostly take place in the United states near Canada.

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11y ago

The greatest number of severe tornadoes occur in the central United States in a region called Tornado Alley, which stretches from northern Texas to Iowa.

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Q: Where does a tornado mostly take place?
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Where is the place where tornadoes mostly occur?

Tornadoes are most common in the central U.S. in a region called Tornado Alley.

Is a tornado primary or secondary succession?

A tornado results in secondary succession. The plants on the surface are destroyed, but buried seeds generally stay in place and the soil remains mostly intact.

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After a dense forest is leveled by a tornado, there is typically a process of ecological succession where pioneer species such as grasses and shrubs quickly colonize the area. These species help to stabilize the soil and create more favorable conditions for the establishment of larger plants and trees. Over time, the forest will gradually regrow and develop a new structure.

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Linting is a process that involves checking computer code for errors, so no, linting would not take place in a tornado.

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It took place mostly in Virginia. Oh Ya

Is a whirlpool a underwater tornado?

No. A whirlpool is simply a vortex in water. A tornado is a very specific kind of vortex that by definition take place in air.

How do you defeat a regular tornado?

You cannot "defeat" a tornado of any kind. All you can do is take cover to ensure your safety. The best place to be is in a basement or cellar.

What time of year is tornado's more likely to hit?

tornado mostly showup at summer.

When a tornado is coming where should you take cover?

The best place to take cover in a tornado is a basement tor cellar. If you do not have one get to an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor of you house, preferably a bathroom.

What is mostly dangerous about a tornado?

it winds and speed

Where does weather erosion mostly take place?

the wind

Where did the major 2013 Oklahoma tornado take place and when?

The Oklahoma tornado took place in the city of Moore on May 19, 2013. The highest winds reached 340k/ph (210mph). The 2013 Moore tornado killed 24 people and injured 377 others.