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A person can truly only answer this question for themselves. However, it would be best to be physically, mentally, and legally mature before engaging in any sexual intercourse or activity so that one can be best prepared for anything that may come along with sexual relationships.

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14y ago
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14y ago

When he has sexual intercourse; the same is for a woman.

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13y ago

It's for a male to lose his virginity when he is mentally, physically, and legally mature and ready, and when he is willing. Any sooner can be trouble.

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14y ago

When they are absolutely ready; though that may not be in their teenage years.

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12y ago

21 years old

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15y ago

wen u have sex 4 the first time

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14y ago

When you are ready and of legal age.

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Yes, it is very much possible.

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Sex is associated with love. Someone you should loose your virginity to should be someone that loves you in and out.

Im a 28 yro guy, how can i lose my virginity without *ex workers?

Get a gf or bf. Whichever you want.

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The only way to lose your virginity is if you have penetrative inter-coarse with another person.

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Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.

Can a female lose her virginity with celery?

No only sexual intercourse can do that. If she has a hymen it can break but that is not her virginity.

Did lose Ashley Tisdale her virginity?

Yes!! to me

how do should be to lose my virginity?

Have body with a man

What should you do for a sweet sixteen?

Lose your virginity.

Can virgins pull out?

Yes, and you lose your virginity.