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Q: What would you do if a tornado was coming toward you?
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What does a windvane do when a tornado is on its way?

If a tornado is coming a wind vane will probably point away from the storm as the wind itself is moving toward it as inflow

If you knew that a tornado was coming would you die?

No, I won't. I would get myself evacuated from the tornado area.

How do I protect my mobile home from tornados?

The short answer is: you can't. A tornado will probably destroy even a tied-down mobile home, so if a tornado is coming toward your mobile home, the only thing to do is run for it.

How could you predict a tornado was coming?

If you can see the tornado

Which of the following media would you not use to inform the public of an approaching tornado?

I would not inform the public about an approaching tornado with the internet and phone messages. I would not because usually if there is a tornado coming you lose power in the phone and internet lines as a tornado can go into the power critic. hope that helps.

Does the wind go toward a tornado?

Yes, the wind typically flows inward toward a tornado in a rotating motion. This rotation creates the characteristic funnel shape of a tornado as the air spirals inward towards the center of low pressure.

Is humid when a tornado is coming?


When is a tornado coming to Brampton?

There is no way of knowing when the next tornado will be in any given place.

Where would a yachtsman who was heading southeast and passing Cape Asir be coming from and going to?

The yachtsman would be coming from the Gulf of Aden and heading toward the Arabian Sea.

What tornado is coming next?

There is no way of knowing that.

What is it called when a tornado is coming?

"Prayer time"

Can scientist find out when a tornado is coming?

If a tornado has formed in the U.S. chances are it will be detected by Doppler radar.