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He landed on the moon, and he ate Nando's on the moon.

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Q: What were some things that neil Armstrong do that was courageous?
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What are some accomplishments that Neil Armstrong made?

Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and made history as the first man on the moon!

Is Neil Armstrong from Texas?

Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, USA. He was born August 5,1930.

What are some big events in Neil Armstrong's life?

Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and made history as the first man on the moon!

Where are neil Armstrong kids today?

Neil Armstrong kids are some where wondering around the world chill en with their husbands and wives and kids

What is some information on neil Armstrong?

he landed on the moon

What are some events that Neil Armstrong did?

Neil Armstrong's proverbial saying from the moon "A small step of a man, but a giant step of the mankind"has made him immortal.

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Neil Armstrong is the most famous one

Write a Diary entry- on the day when neil Armstrong landed on the moon.?

Neil Armstrong landed on the moon some ideas what you could do write a diary for Neil Armstrong for the day he landed on the Moon could include emotions or a description and information for on the journey

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neil armstrong is the most famous one

Some thing special about Neil Armstrong?

First man on the Moon.

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What are some characteristics that helped make Neil Armstrong important?

brave and adventturous