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Q: What was the name of the man that got his arm stuck under a boulder?
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What is the movie called when the guy gets his arm stuck in the boulder?

If you are talking about the guy getting his arm stuck under a bouldour and having to cut it off the that movies called '127 hours'.

Who took out her own bullet?

In the movie "127 Hours," Aron Ralston took out his own arm trapped under a boulder by using a dull knife to amputate it.

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There is either a nut under a cap on the arm that is holding it on, or a lock lever that you need to pull or push on under the arm, or it is just stuck, and you might need to spray it with something to loosen it from being rusted.

Your brake lights are stuck on can you unplug 1 side of your battery?

Yes, but that won't fix the problem. Sounds like a faulty switch under arm. Find it & see if the button is stuck-if so, they are cheap & easy to replace.

What is the name of the poem tatooed under lady gagas arm?

Don't leave me.

How old was aron ralston when he cut off his arm?

I believe he decided to do it because of the will to live. He literally saw his life flashing before him. In case you didn't know his situation, he was hiking in a remote Utah desert. He started climbing down a slot canyon known as "Blue John Canyon" when a boulder fell and trapped his arm in place against the rock and between the canyon walls. He was stuck for 5 days, eventually having to drink his own urine... tasty. With no other way to go, he had to cut off his own arm using an imitation-Leatherman multi-tool.

Can a used lancet hurt you i didnt use it someone else did i was stuck in the arm in class by someones lancet?

A used lancet can hurt you. Whether or not you used it, if someone else did and then you were stuck in the arm, if they have a disease, this can hurt you.

What is the name of the implant birth implant you put under the skin on the arm?

Nexplanon is the name of the contraceptive implant sold in the US as of 2012.

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Most people do.

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The SS had their blood type tattooed under their left arm .

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The scientific name for the upper left arm is brachium.

Where is lymph nodes located?

Under the arm "arm pit"