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Q: What profession has the highest rate of back injury?
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What medical professional has the highest suicide rate?

dentists Actually, I believe psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate in the medical profession.

Which profession has the highest rate of alcoholism?

I heard it was the hospitality industry. I can say from experience that this is probably true.

What is the most suicidal profesion?

In the Mid 80's, The Dentist Profession had the highest suicide rate.

Is being a veterinary surgeon stressful?

Hi, at least in the UK being a vet is said to be the most stressful job you can do and vets have the highest suicide rate of any profession.

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What sport has the most surgical injuries?

Boys' football had the highest injury rate (2.52) According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information: In an analysis of high school athletes. The athletes sustained 1,380 injuries requiring surgery for a rate of 1.45 injuries per 10,000 athlete exposures. Boys' football had the highest injury rate (2.52) followed by boys' wrestling (1.64). Among gender comparable sports, girls' sports has a higher injury rate (1.20) than boys' (0.94) (rate ratio, 1.28; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.51; p=0.004). The rate of injuries was higher in competition (3.23) than practice (0.79) (rate ratio, 4.08; 95% confidence interval, 3.67-4.55; p

What jobs have the highest death rate?

Logging has the highest death rate.

Which soil has highest percolation rate?

Sandy soil typically has the highest percolation rate among different types of soil. Its larger particles create larger pore spaces, allowing water to move through the soil more easily. This can lead to faster drainage and water infiltration compared to other soil types like clay or loam.

Which state has the highest recycling rate and what is the rate?

Oregon has the highest recycling rate in the United States, with a rate of around 40%.

City highest crime rate in Europe?

Russia has the highest murder rate in Europe. However, this includes all of Russia. Estonia is the wholly European country with the highest murder rate.

Which country has the second highest literacy rate?

I believe Georgia has the highest literacy rate and Cuba has the second highest. :D