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Q: What potential causes for extreme emotion?
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Is depression an emotion?

It can be considered an emotion, but also a state of the mind, because it is a mental illness.

What is extreme emotion?

extreme emotion is more than a normal emotion, or emotional,

What does extreme emotion causes?

Bad, experiences in the past, such as accident, victim of rape, hurt in the past

What human emotion caused this extreme reaction to potential communism?

Fear. The fear of losing individual freedom, private property, and the ability to make one’s own choices can lead to extreme reactions against potential communism. This fear is often fueled by a perception of communism as a threat to personal autonomy and prosperity.

What is the Medical term meaning extreme lack of emotion?

Objective is the medical term meaning without emotion.

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What causes the heart beat to increase?

moving around, emotion and what not

Is furious a noun or an adjective?

"Furious" is an adjective. It describes a person's feeling of extreme anger or emotion.

What causes fear of failure?

Your mind would cause any emotion.

Is fear a useful and basic emotion?

Yes, fear is a useful and basic emotion that helps us recognize and respond to potential threats. It can trigger the fight-or-flight response, helping us to protect ourselves from danger. However, excessive or irrational fear can be harmful and interfere with daily functioning.

What is the difference between humanism and romanticism?

Humanism emphasizes reason, science, and individual potential, valuing the achievements and potential of humans. Romanticism, on the other hand, prioritizes emotion, nature, and intuition, celebrating the beauty and power of the natural world and the depths of human emotion.