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Q: What makes someone expose themselves?
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Related questions

What is someone?

to expose your body parts to someone

What is mooning someone?

to expose your body parts to someone

Why does a person expose themselves to others?

A person may expose themselves to others for various reasons, such as seeking attention, validation, or acceptance. Some individuals may also do it to elicit specific reactions or to feel a sense of power or control in the interaction. Additionally, cultural norms, peer pressure, or psychological factors could play a role in why someone chooses to expose themselves to others.

How does a good credit rating help individual?

It makes someone feel good about themselves.

What is a zonker?

A zonker is someone who intentionally makes themselves feel drowsy or tired, by the effect of drugs.

What makes an all-star athlete?

someone who is dedicated and works hard trains to their maximum ability and believes in themselves someone who is persistent and competitive who has a cool mind and who can focus correctly and motivate themselves

What is the mere vulgar?

millionaires or rich people who do not over expose themselves to the public

How can someone protect themselves from online predators?

The easiest way to protect yourself from online predators is to not expose yourself to them. You can ensure this by not using chat programs and by maintaining your internet security software constantly.

What is the meanning of mooned someone?

When someone flashes their backside at you.

What is a word to describe someone who makes others weaker in order to make themselves stronger?

A Tyrant A Tyrant

What other options are there besides jail for 16-year-olds that commit a crime?

UUUmmm most of the time the kid kills someone which makes them kill themselves. ;) :) :)

What is it called when someone makes fun of other people to take focus off themselves?

a bully or a "queen bee"