That is an incredibly difficult question! There is no way you can name the one thing that makes Eachann so cool. Some might say its his hilarious jokes, his damn good looks or his incredible footballing skills, but I (Steven Hawking) would have to say that this is one of the worlds unanswerable questions, up there with "What is the meaning of life?" and "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
I am eachann Blair so he lives here
Because you portray and speak that he's actually cool in your view which makes him cool. He's not if you don't think so.
so it wont rot and makes it cool
he is so cool
he is just so cool he can't help but be someone he rocks the world and makes christian look stuuipid
i am so cool
because he saves Tickets and turns them to robux and then buys cool stuff and makes t-shirts
because someone drowned at niagra falls
I am not a canadian myself, but the reason why canadians are so cool is because... Justin Bieber is one. Thats right- all you canadians and canadian-lovers out there who hate JB- You have no reason to cause he makes you cool.
John Blair owned slaves himself so he was never against slavery.
That's an opinion and cant rlly b answered on wikianswers son
Because it makes you look cool. I personally have 4 websites.