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Q: What is the most times someone has hit a balloon in the air?
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Related questions

Does air in a balloon have no measurable mass?

Air in a balloon does have mass, as air is made up of molecules. However, the mass of the air in a balloon is minimal compared to the mass of the balloon itself. The mass of the air in the balloon can be measured, but it is typically negligible for most practical purposes.

How does hot and cold air have an effect on an balloon?

If there is warm air in the balloon, cooler air makes the balloon rise and if there is cold air in the balloon warmer air makes the balloon fall.

When was the hot air balloon in Victorian times invented?

The hot air balloon was invented in 1783. In Victorian times, which roughly spanned 1837 to 1901, hot air balloons were already popular and commonly used for leisure flights and public demonstrations.

What types of matter are in a hot air balloon?

In a hot air balloon, you will find air, which is a mixture of gases. The main gas used to inflate a hot air balloon is heated air, while the envelope of the balloon is typically made of lightweight and heat-resistant materials like nylon or polyester. Additionally, there might be minor traces of moisture or other particles present in the air inside the balloon.

Who drives a hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon is typically piloted by a trained and licensed hot air balloon pilot who is responsible for navigating the balloon, controlling its altitude, and ensuring the safety of passengers on board.

Where does the hot air balloon energy come from?

Hot air balloons work by heating the air inside the balloon envelope using a burner or propane heater. The heat causes the air inside the balloon to become less dense than the surrounding air, creating lift and allowing the balloon to float. The energy used for heating the air comes from the combustion of fuel, such as propane, in the burner.

When you heat the air inside a hot air balloon, it rises. Why does this occur?

D: The hot air inside the balloon becomes less dense than the air outside the balloon.

Is an air inside a balloon a pure substance?

The air inside a hot air balloon is the same as normal air around the balloon and the air you're breathing, only heated by the flame inside the balloon, hence HOT AIR balloon.

What is the velocity of the balloon is most likely caused by?

The velocity of a balloon is most likely caused by the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the balloon. As the air inside the balloon is at a higher pressure than the surrounding air, it creates a force that propels the balloon in the direction of lower pressure. This is known as the principle of buoyancy.

How long did the hot air balloon float in the air?

The hot air balloon typically floats in the air for about 1-2 hours, depending on various factors such as wind conditions, fuel amount, and altitude.

What is the world record for how many times you can keep and air balloon up in the air for?

23 hours and 36 minutes

Why does a balloon and the balloon with air weigh the same?

A balloon has a certain weight due to the material it's made of. When you blow air into the balloon, the weight of the air inside balances out the weight of the balloon material, making the total weight of the balloon and air the same as the original balloon.