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Q: What is the meaning of bit your head off?
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What animal's did Ozzy bite off on stage?

He bit heads off of Fake bats, but once he bit the head off of a real bat.

What would happen if you walked outside and bit a chickens head off?

then the chicken would grow back its head and bite your head off.

Who bit the head off a bat on stage?

ozzy osbourne

What is the meaning of the name Blendu?

it is a bit off a ok fine name but a bit weard

What bit could be used on a horse that puts its head into its cheast and takes off?

A kimberwick bit might work

How do you remove a nail after the head breaks off?

To remove a nail after the head breaks off simply drill through the nail with an equal sized drill bit.

What does bit my head off mean?

It means yelled at you about something and just jumped on your case about something.The idiom "Bite your head off means" someone is extremely angry at you.

How do you use hydra in a sentence?

Ex: The hydra bit my head clean off the bone!

Can a fox bite your head off?

While a fox could give you a nasty bite and do quite a bit of damage, it isn't big enough to actually bite off your head.

What does off the bridle mean?

I think you mean off the bit. This means that the horse's head isn't collected and isn't forward enough. The way I generally get my horse on the bit is to squeeze and half halt until he is moving forward and tucks his head under Hope this helped!

What is the meaning of the body core?

what is the meaning of body core? Chop off the legs, arms, and head. The core is the central area.

Did Ozzy bite the head off a dove?

Yes After signing his first solo career record deal he came in to meet some of the people who worked there. His plan was to release the doves into the air to get people to notice him, but when no one noticed, he changed his plans. He grabbed one dove, bit its head off, then spit the head out. Then with blood still dripping from his lips a security guard came to remove him and on the way out he bit the head off of another dove.