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The edge of a mountain cliff is called a precipice.

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Q: What is the edge of a mountain cliff called?
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What is the steep almost vertical edge of mountain?

A very steep, high cliff is a precipice. This is the very edge of the cliff.

A very high hill is called?

a mountain, a cliff

Is a long hill or mountain called a cliff?

A cliff is the point in which a moutain ends. Search the cliffs of dover on google images.

What is another name for cliff?

What is another name for cliff?=Edge=

How do you get in eliks edge in wizard101?

Elik's Edge is a cliff at the end of the Shopping District.Elik's Edge is a cliff at the end of the shopping Disrict - North West of the Bazaar

A steep face at the edge of a plateau?

This is called a cliff, which is a vertical or near-vertical rock exposure. Cliffs often form at the edge of a plateau due to erosion or tectonic activity, creating dramatic and sometimes dangerous landscapes.

What causes cliff collapse?

wind blowing at the edge of the cliff AND waves pounding the base of the cliff will cause a cliff to collapse

Is a cliff straight or curved?

The answer is, it can be either one. What distinguishes a cliff from (for example) a mountain is the angle of the slope: in other words, how quickly the land drops off. Since cliffs generally follow the coastline where they're formed, the edge of the cliff can be either straight or curved; and the face of the cliff can be flat, jagged, or even rounded under.

What is a landslide of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff called?

A landslide of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff is called a rockslide. It occurs when loose rocks and debris slide down a slope due to gravity and other factors like heavy rainfall or earthquakes.

A slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff is called?

A slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff is called a landslide. It can be triggered by factors such as heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities, and can cause significant damage to the environment and infrastructure.

Why shouldn't you build on the edge of a cliff?

because the cliff is constantly being eroded by the elements. they will cause the cliff to be undercut and eventually the cliff will collapse.

What is an abrubtly raised hill called?

An abruptly raised hill is called a bluff. It is a steep cliff, bank, or promontory.