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The beast thing to do is to not move them, but if you have to, on there back. If neck injury then Support on both sides but Do NOT re-position head. That will make it worse. Spinal injuries should not be re-positioned. Leave them be and wait for professional care. If you need to move the body EXTREME caution should be used. Support injured area in same position as found and slowly move on sretchercher like object keeping injury supported at all times.

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Q: What is the best position for a victim with neck or spine injuries?
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best method of opening the airway of an unresponsive victim when you do not suspect cervical spine injury

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The best position depends on other issues the victim has. If the victim is conscious and suffering from a shortness of breath, it will be much easier to sit him/her upright. If suffering a CVA, it would be best to lie him/her down at a 15 degree angle. And then there are the different cases in between.

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If there is no sign of trauma to the head or neck, or other reason to suspect cervical spine injury, place the patient on their left side, knees slightly flexed to help maintain the position. By placing the patient on their side, the tongue is less likely to occlude the airway and blood or secretions can drain freely. If there is a possibility of cervical spine injury, the head and neck must be held in an in-line neutral position by one person while a second individual helps turn the patient onto their side. The person maintaining c-spine must assure the head and neck remain in line with the rest of the body as it is being turned and then must continue holding the head in a neutral position until the patient can be placed onto their back, and properly immobilized with a cervical collar, cervical immobilization device and long spine board.

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What sets Spine City apart as the best Spine Surgeon in Noida?

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