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Q: What is something hard to hit so you can break your arm?
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Hit it with something, very hard. It will break after few hits!

How can your bones be brokin?

something hard has to hit the bone in order for it to break. something can inside you and can also make your bones break if possible.

How hard do you have to hit something to break a bone?

Something around 0.01%-0.1% chance.

What does glass break from?

I'm assuming dose means does, but one way to break glass is to drop it or hit it with something hard

How do you make the sims break there arm?

hit them with a cinder block in the head and they will break their arm

Is it possible to hit someone so hard that you broke there arm?

Yes, it is possible to hit someone so hard that one could break their arm. However, it would take quite a bit of force to do so since bones are very strong and flexible. It might also be easier if a person has a condition which makes their bones brittle. Punching someone so hard as to break one of their bones is considered assault and should never be attempted.

How hard do you have to hit a tree to break your wrist?

Really hard

Can you break your arm if you fall on it?

Yes of course you can! if you are old or don't have the right amount of calcium in your bones... i once had a friend who tripped over my dog and broke his arm by landing on it from only 5 inch's up!

How hard does a baseball need to be hit to break?

Pretty dang hard !!

Did Nathan kress break his arm and leg?

He did, when he got hit by a BIIG Taco Truck.

What is the fastest way to break your arm with no pain?

You can hit it with a hammer there you go it's broken :) u stupid

How do you beat your younger sister?

Get the TV remote control and hit her hard in the arm!