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Q: What is sadomasochistic?
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Why do you feel sadomasochistic needs?

Sometimes people are so humiliated by what one does, that they feel the desire for revenge. And revenge can lead to those sadomasochistic needs.People can be stupid in life that one can be better than themselves. So they also have the feeling of sadomasochistic needs.This reason is very popular but also messed up. People dislike or hate someone because of their looks or their religion ( like Hitler and the Jewish people). These are some reasons why people feel sadomasochistic needs.

What is AAA dominatrix?

A dominatrix is a woman who acts as the mistress in a sadomasochistic relationship.

How do you use sadomasochistic in a sentence?

Just make a sentence and go to to answer thisquestionI hope this helps you Have a Good day everyone :)

When did Isabelle and Paul Duchesnay perform their somewhat sadomasochistic ice dance in the Olympics?

I'm looking for the performance called "Tarzan & his Mate" Is that the same one?

What does BFSM stand for in pronouns?

Don't know what the context is, but in dating or sex ads, it probably means the poster is (or is looking for) a black female who is into sadomasochistic sex.

What is the full form of sm I have seen it in the HBO logo something like a TMTradeMark?

Answer 1 simply magic Answer 2 Service Mark - see link Answer 3 S&M - SadoMasochistic

Is a squashing fantasy normal?

Squashing would seem to fit into some kind of sadomasochistic fantasy, and I would not consider it to be abnormal unless it was pursued in such a way as to cause actual injury to yourself or another person.

Signs you may have a violence fetish?

"Violence" is pretty vague, but as with any fetish, if it turns you on all by itself, if it's a major part of your sexual activity or fantasies, if it could make you do irresponsible or self-destructive things (like starting fights for no reason) -- it's a fetish. There's a sadomasochistic element to this, of course.

What is the opposite of sadomasochistic?

One opposite comes from the psychological difference between dominant personalities and submissive ones:A sadist is someone who derives pleasure from inflicting harm or pain. A masochist is someone who obtains pleasure from receiving punishment.

If a man whose wife commits adultery is a cuckold what is a woman whose husband commits adultery?

The female variant of cuckold is cuckquean. However, it should be noted that the connotations of cuckoldry are currently taken to two extremes. There are some men who abhor the idea of being made a cuckold whilst there are others who relish this experience. A man who is a willing cuckold is called a wittol, but the term cuckold is used in fetish circles. (The pleasure of being made a cuckold can either come from the sadomasochistic humiliation of being "forsaken" or from the opportunity to "share" the experience in the form of an open relationship.)

Why did the early church oppose alchemy?

They have long been opposed to Occult studies and practices- such as astrology and spiritualistic seances ( conversations or communicaitons with Ghosts).and so on. as late as l968 an occult-like Carnival Act- Roltair"s Illusion- where an attractive- usually in full dress Girl vanishes in what is obviously a casket- was BANNED from all Church Carnivals on sacrilegious grounds. It made interesting headlines- Bishop Bans Lewd Carnival Act! To this day they tend to oppose Stage Magic, often taking sadomasochistic forms I needn"t get into. Alchemy used secret codes and was considered an Occult art. naturally- it got the axe.

Can a band sing dirty songs at an all ages concert?

Yeah, but it depends on the jurisdiction of local free speech laws. in the USA, UK, and most of the "free"/western world it should be fine, but in Germany, when Rammstein released Liebe Ist Für Alle Da, it was partially censored because of apparent sadomasochistic and sexual content in the songs Pussy and Ich tu dir weh. Even though the ruling was appealed and the album was allowed to be sold uncensored, while the album was on the govermental list of censored music, parts of Ich tu dir wehhad to be sang with alternative lyrics. But if you're going to see Steel Panther, you've got nothing to worry about.