excessive speeding is going atleast 20 mph over the posted speed limit
Excessive speed can kill.
Excessive speed.
Fatigue,excessive speed and distracrion
1 Excessive speed for the existing circumstances 2 Harsh acceleration 3 Course steering in relation to a speed which is not in itself excessive 4 Excessive and sudden braking
exhibition of speed
Excessive speeding is the driving beyond the neighborhood or the city's speed limit for a certain area. For example, if the speed limit is 50mph and someone drives at 51mph, that is speeding.
Excessive speed in the provience of Ontario usually means speeding in excess of 50 km an hour over the posted speed limit. Excessive speed traffic tickets are also known as Racing and Stunt driving. This is covered under the highway Traffic Act under Section 172. for more information visit http://www.trafficticketsolutions.ca/Racing_HTA_172.php
excessive speed