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No body uses jeramiah!

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Q: What is a very unique name that no one uses?
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Is there a girls name that means special or precious gift?

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Can something be very unique?

No, the adjective "very" is not appropriate because "unique" means there is just one of the "something" and "very" is a scalar active (as in "loud" and "very loud").

Was it Sid or Marty Krofft that had a very unique home in the hills of Hollywood?

Neither one. It is not possible to have something that is "very unique".

Where could one find purchase a domain name on sale?

One can purchase a domain name from the popular online site GoDaddy, which has very reasonable prices. Please keep in mind that the domain name must be unique.

The Pope has one but does not use it your Dad has one but your Mum uses it Nuns dont need one?

Last name. Pope uses first name (as do nuns), dad has one mom "usually" uses it (married name).

What do you call a small cup made of sushi?

I'm not quite sure there is one, but why don't you make up a name for it? That would be very unique. :-)

What is unique about Pennsylvania?

There are several unique facts about Pennsylvania. One unique fact is the very first computer was used in Pennsylvania.

Is Unique a ghetto name?

i know one other girl name unique and she was ghetto...but other then that it is different and def unique since I've nv met anyone else with that name.

What is the best unique automotive shop name?

There really isn't a best name! You'll just have to choose a name you like! One unique name is Crazywheels!

What are unique uses for twist ties?

There a number of unique uses one could find for twist ties. They could be used to hang things form the ceiling, picking locks, repairing a shoelace or replacing buttons.

Who is the most popular person in the world and why?

1#Lady Gaga She is a legend and very unique 2# ME One again a legen and very unique

Where can one find a unique baby girl name?

One can find a unique baby name by going to the library and looking for different baby name books. Usually, one will find a number of baby name books, some of them being a special book specifically for coming up with your own unique baby girl name.