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Q: What is OSHA's definition of serious injury?
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What is the definition of aggravated assault?

"The definition of aggravated assault is a person attempting to or causing serious bodily harm to another individual. Or causing an injury on purpose. The legal definition has more information, however, this is the basic definition."

Which is the correct definition of self-injury?

the act of attempting to alter a mood state by inflicting pyhsical harm serious enough to cause tissue damage

A person with a serious what injury should not be allowed to walk?

A person with a serious leg injury should not be allowed to walk. It is also true that a person with a serious head or back injury should not be allowed to walk.

Is hit and run a felony in nc?

No, if there was no serious injury or death.... Property Damage only. Yes, if there was serious death or injury.

What is the definition of criminal endangerment?

Criminal endangerment, frequently called reckless endangerment, is defined as reckless actions in which a person creates risk of serious injury to another person. The penalty for endangerment depends on the state the crime is committed in and the extent of injury.

What is the definition of occupational injury?

An occupational injury is an injury that happened while working or as a result of the work.

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What are the cosequences of an avalanche?

death or serious injury

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Can a head injury result in total memory loss?

yes it can, but it depends on how serious the injury, and where it is

What is the definition of serious?

Not frivolous.

Which word in the list fits the definition incapable of serious thought?

"Frivolous" fits the definition of incapable of serious thought.