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That would be episode 29

actually that isn't nine tails its 1 tail

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Q: What episode of naruto does Naruto turn nine tails and says scardy cat?
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At what episode do they show Naruto in 6 tails form?

naruto goes 6 tails in episode 167

In Naruto is there a secret episode in japan where Naruto goes 10 tails?

no there is only nine tails and naruto doesnt hate sasuke

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That would be in episode 35.

In which episode did Sakura kiss Naruto?

Naruto Shippuden Episode 43 and 292. Both were when he was in Nine tails state.

What episode does sakura over hear about naruto 9 tails?

Somewhere between "Naruto" and "Shippuuden"

Which episode of Naruto shippuden did Naruto fight the nine tails for real?

246 and beginning of 247

Does Naruto ever get more than four tails?

Yes naruto does go five tails one time, i dont know what episode though. But in episode 437 naruto goes six tails!!! the highest hes gone so far is ALL NINE!!!!!!

What episode number does Naruto attack jiraiya?

the episode is uknown during naruto shippudin tunada kakashi and jarya and yamoto discus about how dedly the nine tails are and that the max that naruto can control is 3 tails and if he reaches 9 tails he will die so the awnser is when thay have the discusion jairiayahas a flash back i don't know what the epp. is though and the max ive seen naruto go is 6 tails

Naruto grows his 4th tail while fighting w orochimaru in Naruto shippuden?

Yes he does it was in the episode orouchimaru vs jinjurkey

What is the name of episode 40 in Naruto Shippuden?

"Nine-Tails Unleashed"

What is the naruto episode number with 5 tails jinchuuriki?

There isn't one

When does Naruto turn into 6 tails?

It's Naruto Shippuuden episode 167 (and the very end of 166 when Hinata "dies")-----------------------------------------------------------------EPISODE SPOILERS Below!4 NaruHina fans THIS IS NOT A FANFIC166 is the most NaruHina episode of the entire series. Hinata tries to defend Naruto who has been immobilized even though her opponent could and will kill her without breaking a sweat. Naruto wants her to leave before she gets hurt. She explains to him the influence he had on her life when he was treated so wrongly. Meanwhile she has flashbacks of Naruto and how he "saved" (influenced) her and she eventually tells him that she loves him and "dies". When Naruto thinks that she is dead he becomes so enraged that he goes into his 4-tailed state and soon after six and eventually eight-tails. Later (after episode 166), Hinata awakes to Sakura healing her and Sakura realizes that Hinata loves Naruto. - Given By Mewia (Youtube: Dragonsember)