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Q: What does stricken in panicstracken means?
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What does stricken mean in terms of navy?

Usually, it means that a ship has been stricken (removed) from active duty status.

What is indigent mean?

Indigent means poor or poverty stricken.

What does poverty stricken mean?

poverty means really poor with no food or money

What is the meaning of stricken multitudes?

Pestilence stricken multitudes is used by the poet P.B.Shelly in his poem 'Ode to West Wind' to describe the the diseased decaying leafs of Autumn blown away by the West wind to the wintry bed. This means multiple people stricken with disease

What is the meaning of pestilence stricken multitudes?

Pestilence stricken multitudes is used by the poet P.B.Shelly in his poem 'Ode to West Wind' to describe the the diseased decaying leafs of Autumn blown away by the West wind to the wintry bed. This means multiple people stricken with disease

A sentence with stricken?

My parents got hurt when they learned that their son got stricken.

What is the meaning of pestilence-stricken multitudes?

Pestilence stricken multitudes is used by the poet P.B.Shelly in his poem 'Ode to West Wind' to describe the the diseased decaying leafs of Autumn blown away by the West wind to the wintry bed. This means multiple people stricken with disease

How do you say stricken in Spanish?

Stricken is: afligido; afectado

How does 'estar resfriada' translate to 'to have a cold'?

"Estar" is a verb that means "to be," and "resfriada" is an adjective for "stricken/diseased with a cold."

The nail that sticks up will be hammered down?

This idiom simply means that if you are different from the other you will be stricken down .

What does economically disadvantaged mean?

it could mean poverty stricken and not having the means to have enough food or shelter.

What is the duration of Terrier Stricken?

The duration of Terrier Stricken is 420.0 seconds.