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It means that he had an orgasm, which means that he came, which means that he ejaculated.

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Q: What does he climaxed mean?
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How does a girl knows she has climaxed?

they tear up,laugh,and moan...i should know i am a expert. [;

How do you know when a guy has climaxed?

You may notice physical signs such as heavy breathing, muscle contractions, and a release of tension in his body. He may also express vocal cues or facial expressions that indicate pleasure or satisfaction. Communication and attentiveness to his body language can help you determine when he has climaxed.

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I don't know the exact time, but his experiments with making cars culminated (climaxed) in 1896 with the completion of a self propelled vehicle which he named The Ford Quadricycle.

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When i f*cked your mom she climaxed pretty hard. All of that aside, its when they almost run into his father at the bookstore.

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There sense of hearing is climaxed first for those who are prey they have to hear when a predator is near, secondly a prey animal on the ground is able to hear anything even in the snow.

Why do men release sperm during sleep?

It is a form of check-in. As the body is growing in that area, it checks that it did it right, and then adjusts the hormone levels based on the response. Or, the person was having a erotic dream, and actually climaxed from the thought.

What Woodstock song was improvised by Jimi Hendrix in a solo performance?

Jimi Hendrix's Woodstock performance climaxed with his highly-regarded rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner, a solo improvisation which is now regarded as a special symbol of the 1960s era.

Should you feel bad for letting your best friend who you love accidentally give you a footjob if you didnt stop it straight away but stopped it before you climaxed if your both 15 and she knows?

If she knew what she was doing and she wanted to do that for you, there's nothing wrong with it.

Was Darwin living during the Romantic Era?

Yes he was....The Romantic Period or Era was based on emotion, adventure and imagination. This kind of imagintaion also emerged new ideas of creation, such as Darwin and his theory of evolution. The era begain in about 1820 and climaxed after about 1825 and was born from the side effects of the French Revolution. Yes he was....The Romantic Period or Era was based on emotion, adventure and imagination. This kind of imagintaion also emerged new ideas of creation, such as Darwin and his theory of evolution. The era begain in about 1820 and climaxed after about 1825 and was born from the side effects of the French Revolution.

How do you know when a man has climaxed with his clothing on?

Answer Feel his crotch. If it's wet he's had an orgasim or at least you've made him squirt a bit, but you got to put your hand inside his pants, not likely you can see it from the outside of his pants as he probably has underwear on and that will absorb the sperm that he ejackulated when you had him turned on.