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It means spare.

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Q: What does extra mean in seven words?
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Can you give any better answers than seven words?

bum i like eggs five seven yo there seven words!!! LOL p.s what dies ur question mean?? LOL

What are the 4 letters with an x?

Perhaps you mean words with an x? axe, ox, sex, extreme, extra, extract, six.

What actors and actresses appeared in Seven Awakenings in the Life of an Extra-Ordinary Man - 2008?

The cast of Seven Awakenings in the Life of an Extra-Ordinary Man - 2008 includes: Jimmy Hendrickx as The extra-ordinary man

How do you write 3000007 in words?

In words, 3,000,007 is three million and seven

What other words are there that mean seven?

A group of seven things is a Septuple. Seven siblings born at the same time are Septuplets. A Heptagon has seven sides, but 'heptuple' is not correct. 'Septagon' can be used, but 'Heptagon' is much, much more common.

What is the meaning extra?

Extract, extracurricular, extradition and extraordinary are words. They begin with the prefix extra.

What is 7.007 in words?

seven and seven thousandths

What does extra baggage mean?

Extra baggage normally means extra weight or fat

What actors and actresses appeared in The Extra Seven - 1923?

The cast of The Extra Seven - 1923 includes: Pauline Curley as Polly Frank Ellis as Henchman Bud Osborne as The Crooked Gambler

What does xx mean in clothing?

it means extra extra large