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Q: Is your brother is as fast as lightning a simile and a hyperbole?
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Simile of he ran as fast as?

He ran as fast as lightning

What is the answer below to form simile is as fast as .?

as fast as lightning or as fast as light

What are the example or simile?

An example of a simile is, 'The girl was slow as molasses.'

Fast as lightning is it a metaphor or similie?

It is a simile, they use like or as. Like many similes, you could convert it to a metaphor: "In the ring, his hands became bolts of lightning."

What is a simile for blink of the eye?

As fast as lightning.

Is Alice ran as fast as she could hyperbole or simile or metaphor?


Is as fast as you could a simile?

I can finish my homework! (pretty slow)

What is a simile for fast?

as fast as a cheetah running from extinction

You are in the 7th grade and need two examples of the following hyperbole simile metaphor personification for homework?

Hyperbole: My backpack weighs a ton of bricks. Simile: She runs as fast as a cheetah. Metaphor: His heart is a lion, fierce and wild. Personification: The wind whispered through the trees.

Is their any hyperbole in The Lightning Thief?

The Answer is on page 218 it says he can run as fast as lightning

How do you complete the simile As swift as a?

There are two usual similes, one animal, one object:As swift as an eagleAs swift as an arrow*The corresponding simile, even more extreme, is as fast as lightning.

What is the simile for running?

he ran as fast as a cheetah << everyone knows thatt -- a better one may be he/she is as quick as lightning OR he/she is as fast as a bullet