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Q: Is emotional distress associated with extreme happiness and extreme anger?
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What is affective distress?

Extreme emotional pain.

How does emotional distress effect communication with children and adults?

If the child is a teenager, for example, her problems will lead to her being in solitude or the extreme form when she is hyper and arrogant, angry all the time. This emotional distress leads to lack of communication between parent and child.

A way children were affected by the Holocaust?

Well many of their parents were killed so they would have no one to love them. They would have extreme emotional distress because they would have witnessed the horrors of the killings.

What is europhia?

Extreme happiness

Can a teacher be charged for verbally assaulting someone?

As far as I know, there is no such crime as "verbal assault" - under the First Amendment, it's virtually impossible to criminalize mere words, with very few (and very limited in scope) exceptions.A student might have a civil cause of action for intentional infliction of emotional distress, if the student can show:1. The defendant intended to cause extreme emotional distress2. The defendant engaged in "extreme and outrageous conduct" (usually, a single remark will not meet this standard - it must be something extremely derogatory, or a course of conduct taking place over a long period of time)3. The plaintiff actually suffered extreme emotional distress4. The teacher's conduct was the cause of that emotional distress

What is a Noun that describe happiness?

bliss- (a state of extreme happiness)..........(R Salim)

What is a condition in which a person alternates between extreme happiness and extreme sadness?

The more modern term would be bipolar, which is a disorder that causes people to alternate between two extremes in their emotional state (sometimes referred to as poles). Another term for this is Manic-Depressive, where the feeling of extreme happiness is the manic state, and the extreme sadness is considered depressive.

An example of the meaning of mental and emotional distress?

An "extreme emotional distress" defense relies on the theory that the defendant was so overwrought with emotion at the time he committed the crime in question that they were effectively unaware of what they were doing... And thus should not be held responsible, on the theory that they are unlikely to repeat the crime. An example might be a case where someone caught their spouse 'cheating' on them, or a case where one person suffered prolonged and substantial abuse at the hands of another. "Emotional distress" can also be cited as an injurious cause in a civil suit, to justify the award of damages. The example above where one person abuses or terrorizes another person would be an example.

What is extreme happiness?

The answer for take 5 WIN a stero system puzzel for extreme happiness is CLOUDNINE

What is the synonym of extreme happiness?

overjoyed Euphoria Ecstatic

What is extreme emotion?

extreme emotion is more than a normal emotion, or emotional,

What is the spirit of anguish?

One answer:"Anguish" is: "extreme pain, distress or anxiety."Among the disputed definitions of "spirit"... one might be: "attitude or feelings."In which case, a "spirit of anguish" would be "a feeling of extreme pain, distress or anxiety."