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Q: How much pressure does it take to get a concussion?
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Can a massage help with a concussion?

Yes, essentially a concussion is a bruise. As with all bruises, they take time to heal and repair. The nutrients required to help heal a bruise are delivered via the circulatory system. It is essential to increase flow to these afflicted areas without increasing blood pressure. Massages are a great solution. They de-stress your body, lowering your blood pressure while increasing circulation.

If you get hit with a football in the face and your nose bleeds can you get a concussion?

Yes, if the hit to the head is hard enough. I personally threw a pass that hit a friend hard enough to give him a concussion. We had to take him to the campus clinic. They diagnosed him with a concussion.

How much pressure can a person take?

about 500

What is a double concussion?

A double concussion is a concussion that immediately follows the first concussion, or occurs before the injured party is asymptomatic.

How much pressure does it take to put on a fan belt?

On what?

How much pressure do it take to fill a tube of tooth paste?

71.23 pounds of pressure approximately

How much pressure does it take to break a nose?

the amount of pressure created when you face plant on concrete

How much does a sack take off the life span of a quarterback?

really depends on the hit if it was to the head to make a concussion than about a year or so also depends on how big is his heart

How much pressure does it take to break the hymen?

50 psi

How much pressure can a single pringle take?

a beluga whale