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Many people do this and are killed so don't do it.

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Q: How do you do a backflip with a 540 twist?
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Related questions

What is a rodeo 540 on a skateboard vert ramp?

A rodeo 540 is a backflip with a frontside 540° turn.It is a very difficult trick and only performed by some pro skaters.

How do you do a full twist?

You jump into a backflip, than twist either right or left (depends on your preference) using the power of your shoulders and hips, in a 360/full rotation.

Can a chicken do a backflip?

Yes chikens can do a backflip

How do you do a backflip in the game Pure?

"how do you do a backflip in the game pure?"

When was Motorola Backflip created?

Motorola Backflip was created in 2010.

What is the population of Backflip Studios?

Backflip Studios's population is 25.

Who does a backflip in jls?

Aston is the one that does a backflip in JLS and Marvin does cartweels

What phone is better the Motorola backflip or the HTC tilt?

Motorola backflip definitely

When was the first backflip on a motorbike?

The first backflip was done in 2000 by Carey hart.

What is a backflip?

A backflip is a rotation of one's body in the opposite direction to the direction a person is facing.

Motorola backflip vs Motorola rival which is better?

backflip, rival breaks a lot.

Is a backflip with hands a backflip?

Technically it is but the gymnastic term for one is called a back handspring.