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In theclassic sense virginity involves the Hymen being broken. If a penis or any thing else is inserted into the vagina and a doctor does an inspection in that region he will know the hymen is broken, however there is no way for him to know if it is as a result of sex as it can be broken for many other reasons that don't even involve the insertion of any thing.

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Q: How can you lose your virginity without the doctor knowing?
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Im a 28 yro guy, how can i lose my virginity without *ex workers?

Get a gf or bf. Whichever you want.

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The only way to lose your virginity is if you have penetrative inter-coarse with another person.

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Of course! You can only lose your virginity by having sex. There needs to be penetrating to lose your virginity.

Can a female lose her virginity with celery?

No only sexual intercourse can do that. If she has a hymen it can break but that is not her virginity.

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Lose your virginity.

Can virgins pull out?

Yes, and you lose your virginity.

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When he was 16.

how do should be to lose my virginity?

Have body with a man