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The pelvis is all ONE bone, so you can't really break both your left and your right.

But a bad fall can cause you to break your pelvis, and if you do it in two places, you can have one break to the right and one to the left.

A more common way of breaking your pelvis would be through a car accident.

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Q: Can a fall make you break your right and left pelvis bone?
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How far of a fall does it take to break a bone?

It depends how strong your bones are, and how heavy you are. If you have really weak bones, then it will not take far, but if you have strong bones, it will take a bit more of a distance, falling out of a tree for example. If you land the right way, you could break a bone.

What can cause a bone to break (broken bones)?

to fall or land on it the wrong way

How could you brake a bone?

You break a bone from direct or indirect trauma. Direct trauma is a blow or a fall and indirect trauma when you twist or turn and if the bone is diseased it can snap

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you fall off. Voila, broken bone!

A break in bone?

A break in a bone is known as a fracture. Fractures can be caused by trauma, such as a fall or a direct blow to the bone. Treatment for fractures may include immobilization with a cast, splint, or surgery, depending on the severity of the break. It is important to follow medical advice for proper healing to avoid long-term complications.

Thin and fragile bones means?

they mean you are probally getting older and you are more likely to break a bone due to a fall

Can you break your pelvis?

Yes, the pelvis can be fractured in cases of significant trauma such as a car accident or a fall from a height. A pelvic fracture can cause pain, difficulty walking, and may require surgical intervention depending on the severity of the injury. Physical therapy is often needed for recovery.

Does everybody break a bone in their body at some point in their lives?

Not everyone will break a bone in their lifetime, but it is pretty likely for children to break bones accidentally, or for older people with more frail bones to break their bones in case of a fall. In England, the annual bone fracture rate is just slightly less than 4% of the population.