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Having a six pack is the dream of anyone. Ladies want a flat and lean mid section while men want hard washboard abs. You do not have to sweat at the local gym or health club to get great abs. In fact, there is a variety of exercise equipment that can guarantee you the stomach you have always wanted.

The classic way of working out the abdominal muscles is by doing crunches. All you need is a comfortable floor mat, so you can perform hundreds of crunches. You want to make sure the mat is soft on your body to avoid back and neck strains later on. A padded exercise mat that is at least an inch thick should be fine for performing abdominal crunches.

Another popular way of obtaining the perfect set of abs is by using abdominal benches and roman chairs. Abdominal benches, also known as crunch boards, consist of a seat pad and roller pads. You simply lay down on the seat pad, place your feet under the roller pads, and start doing abdominal crunches. This is a slightly more comfortable method of ab workouts compared to doing traditional crunches on the floor. Some abdominal benches are adjustable, which allow you to change the angle of the seat pad (board) for different workout intensity.

A roman chair is different than an abdominal chair in a very major way. On a roman chair, you perform back hyperextension exercises rather than crunches. You law down on the seat pads with your face facing down, and extend (lift) your chest up as far as you can. After repeating these exercises only a few times, you will really feel your abdominals burning, much more than with crunches.

In recent years, there have been several innovative As Seen On TV items that are used for abdominal workouts. The list of these products includes Ab Rocket, Ab Lounge, Ab Chair, Ab Roller, Ab Wheel, and Ab Circle. They all make up the line of great home exercise equipment offered by the popular TV commercials.

Overall, there are plenty of options available when it comes to doing abdominal exercises at home. Such exercise equipment is affordable and easy to use. There shouldn’t be any excuses for having a fat belly when you have all of these choices that promise great abs.

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12y ago

It is too bad the Cosmetology school you are attending has no abdominal trainer in its clinic. You could get gorgeous abs at the same time you are taking your cosmetology course. That is fine, though, because there are many devices that will help you get the flat stomach you want right in your own home. There are also diets put together by actual trainers who know how to get weight off and who can show you by DVD which exercises are best for you to utilize to get your own flat stomach.

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