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Standing Abdominal Exercise Routines

For most people, an ultimate fitness goal is to get into good shape and develop a strong abdomen and defined abs muscles. Unfortunately, most people will find that standard abs exercises, such as crunches and setups, are difficult to do and can put a lot of strain on the lower back.

To develop strong abdomen muscles, and not hurt your lower back, you should look to complete standing abdomen exercises. There are a variety of standing abs exercises, which have been shown to effectively help someone burn calories and build lean muscle mass.

Some of the best abs exercises can be completed using the standard cable systems, which are found in most gyms. These exercises include both the cable lift and cable chop, which will require you to pivot your body while using nothing but your abs muscles. This can allow you to choose your own resistance setting while focusing the entire exercise on your abs.

If you are looking to work on your abs from a place where you don't have access to a lot of equipment, plenty of standing abs exercises can be completed while working out from home. One of the most effective abs exercises are knee lifts. With this exercise, you just need to life your knees to your chest, without using any weights for resistance purposes.

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12y ago

Standing Abdominal Exercise Routines

For most people, an ultimate fitness goal is to get into good shape and develop a strong abdomen and defined abs muscles. Unfortunately, most people will find that standard abs exercises, such as crunches and setups, are difficult to do and can put a lot of strain on the lower back.

To develop strong abdomen muscles, and not hurt your lower back, you should look to complete standing abdomen exercises. There are a variety of standing abs exercises, which have been shown to effectively help someone burn calories and build lean muscle mass.

Some of the best abs exercises can be completed using the standard cable systems, which are found in most gyms. These exercises include both the cable lift and cable chop, which will require you to pivot your body while using nothing but your abs muscles. This can allow you to choose your own resistance setting while focusing the entire exercise on your abs.

If you are looking to work on your abs from a place where you don't have access to a lot of equipment, plenty of standing abs exercises can be completed while working out from home. One of the most effective abs exercises are knee lifts. With this exercise, you just need to life your knees to your chest, without using any weights for resistance purposes.

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