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If you deal with Asthma, your doctor has probably told you to maintain a healthy lifestyle--which, unfortunately for some people, includes moderate exercise. If the task seems daunting, don't stress out yet: People with asthma can exercise regularly, provided they take the proper precautions. Here's how to make it work out for you when asthma doesn't want to.

How to Exercise with Asthma

To make exercise a healthy addition to your lifestyle, use these measures to make it asthma-friendly:

1. Stick with short, intermittent exercise.Asthma sufferers may not tolerate the stress of long physical activity, such as distance running, but activities such as treadmill exercise, light Weightlifting, and even extracurricular activities such as Baseball and volleyball can be safe. The key here is how long you do it--asthma is more likely to act up with longer bouts of exercise, so keep it short but challenging.

2. Stay away from cold weather sports. Asthma sufferers don't tolerate cold weather sports as well, and attacks are more likely here--so activities such as ice skating, skiing, and hockey aren't ideal. If the weather is frigid, consider exercising indoors by lifting weights, using the treadmill, or playing indoor sports. Also, consider a surprising alternative: Swimming, which may actually reduce your risk of an asthma attack due to the warm, moist environment it creates.

3. Pay attention to your warm up. This doesn't just refer to the warm up exercises you should do before a workout--it also refers to the precautionary measures you should take to control your asthma. To stay safe, always use a pre-exercise asthma inhaler before exercise, following up with the appropriate amount of warm-up exercises.

4. Don't push yourself to the limit. If you haven't exercised in a while, exercising really hard may feel good in the short run--but soon you may be faced with an unwanted asthma attack. While it's tempting, avoid exercising above your activity level. To increase your activity level, gradually increase the intensity so that your body can adapt.

5. If you get an asthma attack, stop!Immediately stop exercising and take a pre-exercise asthma inhaler to ease the attack. If the attack completely stops, then it's safe to return to your normal activity. However, if the attack persists, get help: Stop exercising completely and call your local health care provider for advice.

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Deep breathing is the best thing to help your lungs stay healthy, especially if you're out in the fresh air where there's no pollution.

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aerobic exercise

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by breathing heavily in & out

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If you have other symptoms, such as wheezing and coughing, then you probably have exercise-induced asthma, which means that you have asthma like symptoms when you exercise.

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One alternative name for asthma is bronchial asthma. Other names that are used include: allergy induced asthma and exercise induced asthma.

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How is asthma common in sports?

Some people have exercise-induced asthma, which is asthma that happens when you are exercising. Asthma is when you start nwheezing and coughing, and you can't breathe. Most people who have asthma will get an asthma pump, a tool used to help you breathe better. If you exercise vigorously, you may run out of breath, and asthmatic people have the tendency to start wheezing and have an asthma attack.

Would you recommend that someone with asthma exercise regularly?

Yes, they should do exercise regulary.

How much can swimming reduce asthma?

Swimming, Surely is the best exercise for asthma. It will not completely cure the disease but will definitely reduce it. Because by doing swimming it will be a good breathing exercise.

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Regular asthma is because of seasonal things. It includes pollen and things like that. Runner's asthma is from exercising and it is usually found in younger people because they exercise more.

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No, the physical exercise of push ups cannot reduce asthma attacks. To help reduce asthma attacks a person can consume some caffeine.