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Like working out alone? Good news: You aren't alone. A recent study reported by The Huffington Post says nearly 77 percent of Americans prefer to exercise alone--and oftentimes they enjoy it. While there's nothing wrong with working out alone, say health experts, it still poses some safety risks. "There are perks to exercising alone, like time to be in silence and think and the ability to push yourself as hard or as easy as you choose," says Jenny Sugar, a contributing editor to POP Sugar. "But it's not always the safest idea." So how do you stay safe while exercising solo? Here are what experts recommend: 1. If you're going outdoors, always exercise in a safe location. Now's not the time to explore a hidden trail path behind your house or go out a hiking adventure miles from civilization. While it's true that you could risk being attacked by strangers, what's even more true is you're more likely to injure yourself--and with no one else around to help you, it could become life-threatening in an instant. Your best bet? Exercise in a well-lit, familiar area surrounded by immediate access to help, people, or stores. While it may not offer as much privacy as a hidden trail path, you'll stay safe. 2. Don't try exercises where injuries occur more often. Exercises like running, walking, or biking pose little risk of injury, but more extreme forms of exercise, such as Weightlifting and rock climbing, aren't quite as safe. If you want to go extreme, it's best to bring a buddy along just in case a freak accident happens--you never know when misfortune can strike. 3. Always protect yourself. Having multiple protection items on hand while working out alone, such as mace, a sharp object, or even your phone could potentially save you from a sticky situation. Learn how to use them quickly and effectively to keep your solo exercise experience an enjoyable one. 4. Lastly, trust your gut. If you suddenly feel unsure or unsafe while working out, stop and go home. It's better to be safe and lose out on an workout than to take the risk. Better yet, try working out at home or at a gym, where you're more likely to be safe. Remember, it's always safety first when you're working out alone--you never know when or who danger might strike you next.

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Q: How to Exercise Alone?
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If you have iron willpower, and if you can stick to it for the rest of your life. For most people, caloric restriction alone does not work. Exercise, even moderate exercise, helps greatly when trying to lose weight.

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